Tractor dates.
He calls it working for his dad; I call it a tractor date. 😉
Happy Thursday! It’s EM (Education Minnesota) break here, so we are filling our day off with a bit of farming. (Okay, Bjorn is working, and I come along for the ride and the company!) I can’t think of a much better way to spend a morning than to ride in the tractor with my husband. Seriously. I rode with Bjorn as he chisel plowed and as simple and maybe unromantic as it might sound, it was a sweet, special time.
Why? If you asked me to describe a perfect date day with my husband, I’d say it needs to have:
1. Time spent physically near each other (of course!). 2. Time to just plain talk and laugh without other distractions. 3. Time being outdoors in nice weather. 4. Plenty of picture-snapping opportunities! (Gotta love Pachelbel!)
And a tractor date has all of those elements. 🙂 I guess it just serves as a good reminder to us that you really can make a date out of anything.
Any seemingly simple activity (or task on your to-do list!) can be turned into a date. I really admire my parents for this – while I was growing up, my mom and dad would go on “dates” to Home Depot. The hardware store? Yep. And sometimes, they’d stop for ice cream or a walk afterwards. I love this about them – they are best friends who genuinely want to hang out with each other! They choose to talk, laugh, dream, and make home decisions together. Their Home Depot dates, as simple as they sound, have left a big impact on me and how I want our marriage (and our friendship) to look.
So yes, there’s a time and place for those fancier date nights, but life is busy and full and we all have responsibilities that demand our attention.. So hey, instead of saying, Well, there goes another day we didn’t go out – why not spend that time accomplishing what you’ve got to do, with the one you love – and call it a date anyway? 🙂
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