This guy.


On days like today, when I’m feeling down, drained –
when I’m feeling like life is one huge whirlwind,
I am grateful for this guy.
Even when I’m short with him, he doesn’t reciprocate the rudeness. He’s patient and sympathetic and my oh-so-steady companion (thank goodness).

I don’t deserve his kindness some days. But I’m grateful. I’m grateful for his strong hugs, his gentle reassurances, his playfulness…and most of all, for his heart.

h&b engaged copy


    1. You are so right, Kristin! Thank goodness for them 🙂 what a blessing that support from a loved one can be! Thanks for stopping by Just Bee 🙂

    1. So true, Amy!! The hard times make the good times better… I love how you put that! It really does double our joy when things go well! I’m so glad you have the support of a sweet man like that, too!

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