How to Stay Inspired as a Lifestyle Blogger (+ a free workbook!)


This is kind of a re-post, because I’ve found that lacking inspiration is something that can really take the wind out of your sails as a blogger and I want to help you!

BUT – it’s going to be an info-packed post! I’m combining a few Just Bee-exclusive elements all together in this post to give you more of a one-stop place to find blogging help and inspiration! 

 The Art and Importance of Staying Inspired

If you’re a blogger like me (or a writer in any aspect!), then I’ll bet you’ve had moments where you sit in front of the computer, knowing you want to get something up on the blog, or get material written, but wondering what. Goodness knows I’ve dealt with that!!

Staying inspired is one of the most difficult facets of being a blogger. It’s certainly not a magical process, where we simply upload a couple good pictures and the post basically writes itself! 😉

Honestly, blogging is not for the faint of heart. It’s not a couple-hours-a-month hobby. I feel like a blog is almost a living, breathing entity – it needs upkeep, thoughtful effort, and love! Your blog needs your commitment. And this can be either an intimidating thought, an exciting proposition…or both!

The funny thing that I’ve personally realized is that it’s not for lack of the general urge to write that I don’t write; I definitely always have this desire to script words, to sculpt paragraphs – to get my ideas onto a page! Just ask my husband: I’m a wordy person. 😉 The difficulty is in staying inspired with a wide variety of ideas to share with readers. Maybe I could go on and on about how fun it is to feed the horses at my in-laws’, or how much I love golden hour or my husband – for months, probably! – but if I want my lifestyle blog to have an outward focus of encouraging, helping, and inspiring a variety of people, then I’ve got to come up with a variety of post topics.

Although I do have times when I struggle with ideas, lately I’ve been so excited and on-fire about blogging that it’s been easier to glean ideas from things around me! I want to share with you what has been most inspiring for me (and my blog posts) recently! That way we can all stay inspired when those drier times hit. 🙂

** Side note: I fully realize I’m speaking about crafting variety in your blogging, in the midst of a massive Europe-posts spree! 😉 I can’t help it; I’m just too excited about Europe. That, and blogging about it has helped me to glean through photos and reflect on the trip before it’s too far in the past.

Sometimes, you’ll find in your blogging that you’ll focus on certain topics with intensity for a while – and since it’s a lifestyle blog, that’s totally understandable! Life has different seasons, and that’s the beauty of it. For example, if you have a new puppy, you’re apt to post more puppy-related photos and thoughts! Or if you’re a new mom, of course your focus is your precious little one. So, don’t be discouraged if you realized you’ve been a bit monochromatic lately. These tips, though, will hopefully just help you branch out into other topic areas when you’re ready!

How to Stay Inspired as a Lifestyle Blogger - Just Bee

How to Stay Inspired as a Lifestyle Blogger

1 // Consider your life experiences. Really consider them. Not just the big trips you’ve been on or your most embarrassing moment (although each of those could be wonderful posts themselves!). But think about smaller experiences, too. Did you witness a touching moment shared by an elderly couple at Starbucks? Or watch how a mother played enthusiastically with her son? How about the way the book of Isaiah spoke to you one morning during an especially difficult season of life? How you process and describe these situations will hopefully point your readers toward a bigger lesson or a useful train of thought!

2 // Explore Pinterest. This one needs to be accompanied by 2 words of caution: first, make sure that scrolling through Pinterest doesn’t take up your entire day! It’s got crazy pull that way. 🙂 Second, know that Pinterest shouldn’t be your sole source of inspiration – you’ll need to be careful that you’re not seeing someone else’s idea and deciding to do exactly that for your own post. Respect others’ intellectual property. But, with all of its beautiful images and focused, varied content topics, Pinterest can be a huge fountain of ideas as to what general topics you may want to write about. And new ideas can stem from there!

3 // Pay attention to what you’re Googling. Chances are, if you’re wondering how to do something – especially if it’s hard for you to find an explanation online that you like and understand – others are wondering about that too! For example, you may get an idea for a DIY post as you find yourself searching for a specific one that doesn’t exist yet! 🙂

4 // Allow (even ask!) for feedback. If you’re writing for yourself alone, then your feedback would solely be coming from yourself. But if you’re also writing for an audience, you want to know what they want to hear, right? But remember, we’re not actually playing the “be who others say you should be” game: knowing what people want should not entirely determine the feel and look and topics on your blog – it’s crucial to stay true to YOU! I’ve implemented a couple reader surveys in the past and they have greatly helped to guide the direction and feel of this blog! I want that feedback – it is so valuable for countless reasons.

5 // Do the “over a cup of coffee” visualization trick. Sometimes, when trying to write effective, clear content for our audience, we get caught up in the formality of it. A goal I’ve had for Just Bee from the beginning has been to maintain authenticity of voice. Yes, I have different facets – sometimes introspective, sometimes silly – but what’s important is that I never stop sounding like myself. So try this: close your eyes and imagine your audience not as an expectant, imaginary entity, but as a couple of good friends sitting around the table at a coffee shop! And hey – if you’re anything like me – even imagining a coffee date makes you smile and feel comfortable. And most of all, it should make you feel as though there are countless fun topics to talk about! Life updates, your dreams, goals, worries, fears, a road trip you went on – goodness, even a book or dress recommendation! We’re all friends in a community here anyway. Let’s act like it. 🙂

6 // Evaluate compliments you receive. Fictional examples: Perhaps you made a cute bracelet and someone in line behind you at the store exclaimed over it – then maybe you want to do a tutorial for that craft! Or maybe it’s on a deeper level – someone brought up how you just radiate joy during a terribly difficult situation. Then you may want to speak to that in a blog post. It could inspire and encourage people considerably more than you know!

7 // Avoid negativity. If (and may I admit, when) I sit there camped out in negative thoughts, my creativity goes out the window. For real! It’s so weird, but when I let myself spiral around in negative thought patterns, I’ve found that that saps my inspiration instantaneously. Just like anyone else, I can circle around with negativity and worry and feelings of comparison or jealousy…and it’s not a pretty sight. Stay true to you and stay true to positivity rooted in joy.

Were these tips helpful to you? Where do you turn to get inspiration for your writing?

If you’re aching to have that steady stream of inspiration, AND to improve your overall blog, then I’ve got a couple great resources for you, friend!

Improve Your Blog With These Resources:

First of all, there’s my Blogging Bootcamp Workbook. In this workbook, we delve into the first of these 6 strategies with extra space for you to reflect and brainstorm!

If you’re a part of Just Bee’s email list, then you already have access to the wonderfully detailed Blogging Inspiration Workbook! Simply check your emails for your welcome email (or other Just Bee email letters) for your link and the password!

If you’re not on the email list yet, then what are you waiting for? I’ve created a lot of free printables just for you! Sign up below:

Second, have you heard about Just Bee’s Blogging Breakthrough Workshop??

Many large bloggers promise great growth in their courses…but charge a hefty price for their tips. What I want to do is give you an honest look at how to improve and grow your blog, without vague promises or an astounding price tag. In this workshop, I want to give you the tools you need to grow and gain footing, but at a reasonable price.
I want to meet you right where you are!

Also, I have a sale going on right now – who doesn’t love a good sale? 🙂

Get 30% off when you enroll with the code: JUSTBEE30

Just Bee's Blogging Breakthrough - sign up for the online workshop!

What you can expect:

A one-hour recorded workshop in slideshow format, with me spilling secrets and tips that have been categorized into 20 different blogging topics!!
– Extra outlines for note-taking along the way!

Some of the topics we’ll cover:

Social media platforms

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Blogging photography basics

Mistakes I’ve made (ooh, that oughta be good!)

Writing a successful blog post

Designing graphics for posts

Connecting with other bloggers & businesses

Sound like something you’re interested in? If you’re looking to improve the overall quality of your blog, then enroll today!! Don’t forget, you can get 30% off with the code JUSTBEE30 🙂

I know this was a rather lengthy post but my goal was to bring you a hearty helping of inspiration and encouragement! You’ve got this! A blog is your special voice and with it, you’ve got great influence!



    1. Thank you so much, Amanda!! I’m so happy this post helped you and inspired you some!! My hope was that I could help at least one person feel encouraged and inspired!

  1. These are great tips! I’ve definitely gone through phases of being inspired and uninspired. I’ve been working on a huge brainstorm of post ideas and am excited to get them all written!

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