Sophie’s 4 Month Update


Sophie is 4 months old! Can you believe it? She is such a sweet girl and our hearts could burst from the joy it is to know her. Here’s what she’s been up to lately!

Sophie’s 4 Month Update


Besides Sophie, we call her BB or BeeBee all the time! Also Sweet Girl, Honey Bunny, Bugaboo, Bumblebee, Sophie B, Sophie Girl, and more! πŸ™‚

RELATED: The Story Of Solveig’s Name


Sophie weighs 11 lbs 10 oz, as of her 4 month checkup this week, and she’s 24 inches tall. She is in the 5th percentile for weight and the 27th for height! She’s a long and lean little peanut! The doctor’s not worried at all about her, because she is following both her own “trajectory” on the growth charts AND I was always lightweight, too. She is thriving and healthy! Sophie wears 3-6 month clothes now. She’s starting to need to wear 6 month size sleepers (for extra length)!

Fun milestones:

Boy, has she been busy this past month! She continues with the fun social smiles – her soft smile and her gummy huge grin! She can be persuaded by most people to smile at them. πŸ™‚ Sophie has been rolling over (tummy to back and back to tummy!) a lot more these past 4 weeks. I had actually never seen her roll until February 11th!! And the first time she rolled over was back on January 4th! I kept missing it for some reason. So, it has been fun to watch her roll over and even snag videos of it!

She also likes to stick her feet in the air and use their weight to tilt her over to her side – it’s fun that she’s discovering new ways to lounge about, before the actual scooting and crawling starts. πŸ™‚ Even tummy time is more exciting for her now!

She still has very little hair (just like me when I was a baby!), but what she does have is light brown. She also has a couple pink “stork bites” on the back of her head. So sweet.

Sophie has been using her voice a ton lately! She makes the greatest little thinking sounds when she’s in the car or playing on her blanket, and she still loves to say things like “Woo hoo!” When she’s sad and really wants me, she says something akin to “Maaaam! Maam!” which other people have commented on — it really does sound like she yells “Mom!” πŸ™‚

But she sure is attached to her daddy, too.

Sophie can hold her head up quite well now, with minimal wobbly-ness! And she really loves exploring what her hands can do. Getting her this Activity Gym (aff. link) was such a good idea! (And it was only $25.) She loves to play with all of the toys on it, and she is really getting accurate about grabbing exactly what she wants to! Sophie’s also been more drooly recently… I don’t think she’s teething yet, though.

She has the BEST laugh! Bjorn can really get her laughing when they play with her stuffed animal puppy together!


Sleep has generally been pretty good lately!! (Hooray!) If we all go to bed around 10:30 or 11 pm, then Sophie tends to wake only once during the night, around 4 am or so. But this is after she has a late evening nap, which technically counts as her bedtime. Maybe I’ll do a separate blog post about our schedule sometime, now that I finally feel like we’re settled into a more predictable routine!

I was really encouraged lately regarding Sophie’s nap schedule. I reached out to a mom of a friend, who has taught baby sleep classes for many years, and asked her about our daily napping/feeding schedule and if I should be changing things. She said we have an awesome schedule for Sophie’s age! This was so encouraging to me, especially since I’m a new mom.

Sophie enjoys being swaddled for her naps, but at night, she prefers her Halo sleep sack. I’m just plain happy I’m getting anywhere between 5-7 hours of sleep for that initial stretch each night! It is seriously the best feeling.

Sophie is really such a good baby. It’s not hard to get her to fall asleep if I just follow a few steps: swaddling, shushing/singing to her, rocking, and giving her a pacifier. (Then she spits the pacifier out right when she falls asleep.) I’ve learned to read her really well by now; I know when she’s hungry, when she wants to nap, and so on. She definitely has different distinct cries that mean she’s hungry, squirmy, cold, or tired!

She Likes:

Her Wubbanub fox and Wubbanub giraffe! Her new stuffed animal puppy from her Aunt Amy and Uncle Tyler.

Her hands! And her feet. πŸ™‚

Talking, yelling, giggling… And when she’s tired or sad, she loves being sung to.

She’s still a cuddle bug for sure, but she also likes her independent play time!

There are times she fusses because she wants to snuggle more, and there are times she fusses because she would like to play alone for a while. It’s all about learning to read her well. πŸ™‚

^^ We already worked through the whole Winnie The Pooh chapter book, given to Sophie by my friend Emily! Sophie enjoyed the sketches πŸ™‚ ^^

Bjorn and I read to her every day. We’re both lovers of books ourselves, but we’re also teachers and we know the incredible importance of reading to your children!! Sophie loves to be read to! And the teacher part of me is geeking out about when I’ll get to teach her phonics and guided reading…but it’s important to remember that her journey to becoming a reader has already begun!

^^ Sophie and her daddy are working through a kids’ history book on the ancient world right now! πŸ™‚ ^^

Sophie also LOVES to eat! I think she’d nurse all day if she could!

^^ She is such a morning person, too. Just like me. πŸ™‚ ^^


Sophie dislikes the typical things, like being cold or hungry. And she is definitely still in tune with people’s voices – even if we’re watching a movie and someone is yelling or using a tense voice in it, Sophie will notice and get a bit unhappy. I think she’s pretty empathetic!

This past month, Sophie:

  • Was dedicated at church! I wrote a whole post on that here.

  • Got to go outside in the snow (for about 4 seconds) on a snow day! It was so bright, she kept her eyes closed for most of the time outside!

  • Has been going to the chiropractor. Her name is Dr. Amy and she is SO sweet and so good with Sophie! We don’t have a future appointment scheduled right now, but Sophie’s gotten adjusted multiple times. I just wanted her to get checked out and to make sure her alignment was good…and for a long time, she’d only turn her head to the left during tummy time. That’s all better now!
  • Have a couple more playdates with her baby friends. These are always so fun!

  • Got to spend time with my parents — Bjorn had more army commitments for a couple weeks so Sophie and I came along and stayed with my parents. Sophie and I visited my mom’s Bible study, and the women there were so excited to finally meet her! I’m so grateful for how they’ve prayed for us for so long. And on Valentine’s Day, my dad came home with a darling balloon for Sophie! πŸ™‚

We are:

  • Thrilled to have found Baby K’tan! They make baby-wearing wraps without all the wrapping! What a blessing it has been.

  • Still getting about 95% of Sophie’s clothes from other moms, sold on Kidizen. I’m obsessed. So, basically any cute outfit you see Sophie in, I bought secondhand (but sometimes new with tags on!) on Kidizen. Shipping costs are included in the already-low prices, too! (I wrote a whole post on Kidizen here.) You can get $5 for free with my referral code:
  • Filled with such joy and pride when we talk about or play with our daughter. She is such a gift. We can’t wait to see how she grows and how God will use her. πŸ™‚

PS — if you liked all the photos in today’s post, then make sure you’re following me on Instagram! That’s where you’ll see a lot of “in-the-moment” updates and cute baby photos! πŸ™‚


    1. That’s a great idea, Bailey! I’ve been wanting to do something about books (since we’re collecting so many for her!). I’ll have to start keeping track of all the titles! πŸ™‚ It’s so fun that you have books in mind for your future kids, too! Reading makes such a huge difference — plus, it’s a blast!

  1. My mom told me to follow my gut instinct when it came to my baby and I did and encourage other moms to do the same. Even though Sophie is only in the 5th percentile for weight, like you said, you were small too and she looks perfectly healthy to me. My sister wasn’t even on the charts until she was like 10 but she ate all the time and was healthy, so my mom didn’t worry about it. Rory liked sleeping through the night and her doctor wanted us to wake her up for night feedings. I only did that for a week to get her weight back up (in the beginning, she kept spitting up most of her formula b/c of constipation and needing to be on hypoallergenic formula. So I only woke her up for one night feeding for a week after we found the right formula combo (hypoallergenic formula+gas drops+prune juice) to get her weight back up) and then returned to letting her sleep through the night.

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Heather! Yes – Sophie is following me a bit when it comes to the charts, and I’m grateful to have a doctor who knows me and is therefore not worried about Sophie. I’m not worried about her at all – it’s obvious that she and I are pretty similar in build so far! πŸ™‚ It sounds like you had an intense time of finding the right formula combo! I’m glad you figured out what exactly she needed!

    1. πŸ™‚ Thank you, Rebekah!! It’s so fun taking photos of what Sophie’s been up to – and then I really enjoy going through them to collect them for posts like these! πŸ™‚ Baby girls are a ton of fun! They are fun to play with, fun to watch grow up, and fun to dress up πŸ™‚

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