Simple Hot Vanilla Milk

It’s amazing how habits and routines – small comforts, even – come and go in our lives. Things that used to bring us happiness or help us to relax can get forgotten over the years. But the most fun part is when we remember to bring them back! Resurrecting old familiarities can be so reassuring! Hot milk or steamed milk beverages are that perfect “comfort drink” for me.

Simple Vanilla Hot Milk Recipe - perfect cozy, comforting drink for fall and winter! - Just Bee.jpg

I’ve always enjoyed discovering new recipes. I used to experiment with making milk shakes, smoothies, and hot drink recipes in middle school. I was that organized, project-minded child with a binder labeled “Drink Recipes” (oh, the things we lifelong learners do for fun πŸ˜‰ ). One of the recipes I soon considered a favorite was a hot milk drink infused with vanilla.

Simple Vanilla Hot Milk Recipe - perfect cozy, comforting drink for fall and winter! - Just Bee.jpg

This drink hearkens back to mellow childhood days (I mean, it’s hot milk!) and it sure is delicious. I recently rediscovered this recipe and have started making it again. No matter how I’m feeling, it never fails to help me slow down and relax. Let’s be honest, any warm beverage makes me just want to wrap myself up in blankets and stay in bed with a book all day! πŸ™‚ So, if you’re looking for something cozy and comforting, give this hot vanilla milk recipe a try!

Simple Vanilla Hot Milk Recipe - perfect cozy, comforting drink for fall and winter! - Just Bee.jpg

Hot Vanilla Milk Recipe:

Heat 1 1/2 cups of milk until very hot (I usually heat it 2-3 minutes in the microwave).

Add 2 Tablespoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of vanilla.

Stir well and sprinkle with cinnamon. Enjoy!

Also, this beautiful mug is a favorite of mine! It’s from Blend My Love and the whole phrase says: “You are my fortress, the one my soul delights in, keeper of my heart.” It’s the perfect reminder for me in this season of life.

What is your favorite hot beverage? Do you enjoy a certain homemade drink?



  1. I used to make these ALL the time when I was a teen because for many years I hated chocolate(ya I know…I was a weird kid) thanks for the reminder to make these again!

    1. Oh, that is so much fun, Elyse!! It’s neat that you had a yummy substitute for hot chocolate! πŸ™‚ I’m glad this post helped to remind you of your childhood drinks! Thanks for reading along, friend! πŸ™‚

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