Releasing My Fears To God // A Prayer

I’m keeping today’s post rather short and to the point. 🙂 There are some situations in life where we feel we don’t have a lot of choice, or control, or even energy to deal with our circumstances. That feeling has been heavy on my heart lately – and in all honesty, I have been trying to do it on my own…trying to satisfy my nerves with my own logic and reasoning and strength and competence. But lo and behold, I so often fall short and then suffer from added disappointment from my imperfections.

The moral of the story? As much as we’d love to do it all on our own, we can’t! It doesn’t make us weak or foolish – it just makes us human! But the only one who can truly free us from our fears and burdens is Christ. Lately I have been praying about my fears on a daily basis – but handing them over to God had become a halfhearted act and by the time evening came, I wrestled those fears back because I wanted to hold onto them a bit longer. 😉 Worry is a difficult cycle to crush, but I heard a prayer read aloud on the radio last Sunday that impacted me GREATLY. I contacted the radio station and got ahold of the prayer they had shared. I knew I just had to pass it along to you all! I’ve printed it and read it aloud during my quiet time with God. Let’s work through our fears together as we release them to the One who can carry them for us!

Prayer of Release



    1. Thank you so much, Anna!! We all have ups and downs in life, and some more stressful seasons than others, but it is so nice to know that other people sympathize with us – and that our God is there for us!

  1. I love that prayer. When my mind starts spinning and going crazy (usually right before bed), I love repeating Philippians 4 over and over and remind myself that anxiety is not God’s heart for me. It’s such a hard cycle to break but there’s so much freedom to be found in breaking it!

    1. Yes! Lauren, you are so right – anxiety is not God’s heart for us. It’s not the burden He wants us to carry. My mind totally spins and spins right before bed and before I fall asleep. What a good idea to repeat Philippians 4 to yourself – I love that passage!

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