Reader Survey (with an Amazon gift card giveaway!)


It’s that time again! My last reader survey was back in January – and I like to do these twice a year if I can, so let’s jump right in!

Why a Reader Survey?

You are all such a big part of Just Bee! You’re what makes this a community, and you’re what makes my blog more than a personal journal. There are a few reasons why I like to do these reader surveys in the first place:

1 // To guide the direction of the blog. Since having Sophie last October, and starting this new role as a stay-at-home mom, there have been a lot of changes in my life. Obviously, motherhood is a topic I’m discussing more often on Just Bee, but it’s not the only category of content I enjoy writing about. I really like learning what topics you enjoy the most! So when you answer surveys like these, you’re helping to shape Just Bee’s future topics and posts!

2 // I want your voice to be heard. When you take the time to answer the questions I pose, it means the world to me. I want Just Bee to stick around, and I want it to be a place where you feel you’re being met with encouragement, useful tips, and uplifting content! So, how else would I know if I’m meeting that for you, unless I do a quick survey? 🙂 I read every single answer to every question, and I consider them thoughtfully. I value your input!

3 // As a thank-you. This is the extra fun part of these reader surveys. 🙂 I like to offer a gift (usually a gift card – this time, it’s Amazon) as a means of saying thank you. It’s not only a thank-you for filling out the survey, but also as a thank-you for following along and for being here. I wish I could send a gift card to every single reader! At the end of the survey, you’ll be able to enter your email address and this is the address I would use to send the gift card to, once I select the winner.

** Remember, whether you’ve been reading Just Bee for years, or you’ve only come across my blog recently, I’d love your feedback! Either way, if you’re here and you’re following along, please fill out the survey!

Thanks SO much, friends! You can start the survey by clicking HERE, or by filling out the embedded form below.

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