Reader Survey + Starbucks Giveaway!

Happy New Year, everyone! Can you believe it’s 2018? Bjorn and I are so grateful as we look back at the past year — it’s amazing to see all of the ways God has provided and how we’ve grown through various challenges and adventures.

One of the major blessings for me in 2017 was this blog. Just Bee continued to grow this last year, and I enjoyed a lot of fun collaborations with companies I was excited about. The blog also offered me a place to stretch myself creatively AND a place where I could share my heart.

RELATED: Just Bee’s Best of 2017

And, friends, I’m grateful for YOU! I want Just Bee to be a community where you find encouragement, useful tips, or simply a sense that we’re in this together. I value your thoughts and your input — so I thought, what better way to start off 2018 than with a reader survey!

Please take just a minute or two to fill out the survey below! Regardless of how long you’ve read Just Bee, or if you know me in person or not, I want to hear from you! Your feedback helps me guide the direction and focus of this blog.

AND — for a bit of extra fun, I’m giving away a $15 gift card to Starbucks! You’ll have the chance at the end of the survey to enter.

** If you’d prefer to take the survey in another tab, just click here.

Thanks in advance! 🙂 Here’s to a beautiful new year of fresh content and connection at Just Bee!