Prayer Cards For Your Marriage (a free printable!)

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Do your lips ever start to move in prayer, only for you to hesitate because you feel like you can’t articulate it all? I feel that way so much of the time!

Thankfully, Romans 8:26-27 reminds us of a promising truth:

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know how we ought to pray, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans too deep for words. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

It’s OKAY if you don’t have the words to pray what you’re thinking! It’s OKAY if you don’t have that perfect articulate “textbook” prayer all ready to go when you approach God. That’s not the relationship He wants us to have with Him: one of embarrassment or avoiding time with Him because we don’t know what to say.

When life is big, and difficult, and overwhelming…it’s important to go to our Creator in prayer! Prayer gives us a chance to worship God through good times and bad, and to recognize His character and power through it all.

When life is smooth sailing, joyful, and happy…it’s important to go to our Creator in prayer! In these times, prayer gives us a chance to praise and thank God for all He has given us!

I really, really enjoyed creating the Bible Verse Cards For The Work Week (can you tell I love making printables?!), and this topic has been on my mind for a while, so I decided to sit down and make it happen!

I have to admit, I feel a bit vulnerable sharing these prayer cards with you today. I may have an okay written vocabulary, but when it comes to vocalizing or articulating prayers, I’m not the most eloquent.

But that’s not the point.

The point is that we come before God (humble, weak, and inarticulate though we are) and we seek a relationship with Him as we keep on living for Him!

I’m sharing these prayers and printable prayer cards with you today because I want to encourage you in praying for your husband and for your marriage. I want you to have a starting point. I want you to feel this sense of community – that other women are seeking God and striving to pray for their marriages and husbands, too!

Printable Prayer Cards For Your Husband and Marriage:

Simply click HERE or click on any image below to be brought to the PDF download. 

I hope you enjoy these prayer cards!! 

PS — I’d say that most, if not all, of these prayers would work for a Christian dating or engaged relationship as well. The point is, if there is an important relationship in your life, pursue God’s best for it. Examine yourself and your motives as you give the relationship to God, and lift up the other person in prayer, too!

How / when do you pray for your husband? Can you think of other categories or times that you’ve sought God in prayer about your relationship?


  1. Hannah, you made me tear up reading all of these! I am at a loss for words when it comes to praying sometimes, and sometimes my own selfish nature gets in my way of praying “Thy will, not mine” thank you for this resource 🙂
    Rafaela S

    1. Oh, I am so glad that you enjoyed this post, Rafaela!! My hope was that it would make a difference for someone, and I’m thrilled you feel the cards are useful and meaningful! 🙂 Thanks as always for reading along!

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