Photos from The Magic of Light Class


In September, I had the opportunity to take an online class taught by Summer Murdock called The Magic of Light. It’s a class I had been dying to get into for the longest time! I mentioned this in my “what I’m looking forward to” September post, but the class typically sells out in literal seconds. I just happened to get myself signed up in the nick of time on registration day! 🙂

The Magic of Light is a 3-week class offered a couple times a year, and it’s open to professional and non-professional photographers who shoot with a DSLR camera and have a firm grasp of shooting in manual. It is absolutely packed with information, and it is such a privilege to learn from Summer Murdock! The class moves very quickly and covers a lot of material, so I had to work hard to stay caught up, but it was so worth it. I had a blast. I enjoyed receiving very specific feedback from Summer on my homework assignments – what a blessing to get advice and insight from someone with so much photography knowledge!

The coolest thing about The Magic of Light is, well…the focus on light! We learned countless new ways to notice, explore, and best utilize the light in any given situation. I’ve always found myself drawn to light – whether bright or muted, playful or moody – and it was such fun to learn how to take control of it in my photography.

Although I can’t share all of the specific (copyrighted) information I learned in The Magic of Light (you’ll have to sign up yourself to get in on it!), I wanted to share some of my favorite photos I took during this class. It’s not to say that I personally think my photos are extra amazing, but I am pleased with some of the new ways I’ve learned to observe and manage light in my photography. I wanted to document these full-of-light photos before the baby comes and I get “new mom brain” and forget which photos I took during class! 😉

I’m excited to have a cute little baby girl as a photography subject soon here 🙂 but for now, I’ve really enjoyed finding ways to explore and celebrate light using still subjects. Taking The Magic of Light was totally worth it! I’ll definitely keep processing and remembering all that I learned, and applying it to my future photography!

If you love photography and you’d be interested in taking The Magic of Light someday, you can sign up for the newsletter HERE to be notified of upcoming registration dates/times!

Do you like to capture light in your photos?? Is anyone really obsessed with light in photography as well? 🙂