Our 2018 Family Photos

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This season of life we’re in is such a fleeting one! Our little Sophie-girl will be turning one in a matter of days (so bittersweet!). I’m always a fan of snagging photos whenever we can. Even though they take effort and patience, they’re always worth it. I’m convinced that they become even more precious to us over time.

Bjorn and I have gotten more and more into taking our own family photos over the past several years. I think it has coincided with our photography skills improving over time, plus we feel even better about photo sessions when we haven’t had to pay for them! 😉 For the record, I’m not anti-photographers or anti-photo-sessions. I love them! And I’d even love to offer more family photography myself in the future. But we’ve just found that this approach works well for us.

For this year’s photos, we were lucky enough to have my sister-in-law Signe willing to help us out! She snapped the photos of the three of us! And then Bjorn took the photos of Sophie and me, and I took the ones of him with our little girl. I’m so grateful for these shots. I’ll definitely have to print a couple of them off and get them hanging up in our house! 🙂

Here are my favorites from our little session!

Our 2018 Family Photos

^^ Her squinty grin is one of my favorite things in the whole world!! ^^

^^ All of the field photos of us were taken in our own soybean field!! 🙂 ^^

If you’re curious about the idea of taking your own family photos (this fall, for your holiday cards, or really anytime the mood strikes you!), then you really need to follow Jessie Martin on Instagram. First of all, because she is passionate about helping moms get in the frame with their kids, and teaching them how to take their own family photos! She has awesome tips! Second, follow her because she is just the sweetest!! 🙂 And guess what? She has a webinar coming up next week that is ALL ABOUT taking your own family photos!! Just make sure you follow her on Instagram to learn more about the upcoming webinar!

Do you like to take your own family photos, too?


    1. Thank you, Sierra! Yes, I’m so glad we got some of them in our own field!! If we’re going to be taking field pics, then they might as well be ours! 😉 Thanks for following along!

    1. Thank you so much, Brianna!! Yes, I totally recommend doing it! It’s a great way to save money, and then you can do a little photo session for as long (or as short) as you want! And Jessie Martin (@hellojessiemartin) has that webinar next week where she teaches you to take your own photos! 🙂

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