Now, THIS is Summer!

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Excelsior, Minnesota, is one of my very favorite towns. It’s full of memories for me. In Excelsior, I’ve written papers at the Dunn Bros., I’ve met my best friend for croissants, I’ve strolled the farmers’ market with Mom, I bought my first hamster at Noah’s Ark, I’ve explored the coin shop with my husband, and perhaps best of all, I’ve faithfully enjoyed ice cream from Licks every summer growing up!

When Bjorn and I were in the area last week, we just had to stop by! We snagged my brother Tyler and the three of us had a blast eating amazing ice cream from Licks, walking in the commons by Lake Minnetonka, and listening to live music in the amphitheater!

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excelsior mn live music

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excelsior mn date

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lake shore

To me, grabbing ice cream and walking along the lake is just about the perfect picture of summer. I honestly don’t think I can call it summer until I’ve enjoyed Licks ice cream and a stroll by the docks.

How about you? What says SUMMER to you? 🙂


PS – Want more summer stuff? Read how I’m being intentional about this summer here!


    1. Thanks, Josie! 🙂 Oh man, that sounds amazing! I have fond memories of running around barefoot in the backyard with the neighbor kids 🙂 By the way, I just spent time exploring your blog and I love it! You have the most precious little family! I only hope someday to take berry-picking (and more) pictures as well as you do. Your photography is fabulous! I look forward to following along 🙂

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