Introducing the Pursuing Biblical Womanhood Webinar!

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Happy Thursday!! I am so excited to announce that Anna from, and I will be hosting our first ever webinar on Thursday, December 3rd! This free live webinar will take place at 7 pm CST and we would LOVE to have you join us!

Introducing the Pursuing Biblical Womanhood Webinar! - She is Joyful & Just Bee

Anna and I will be speaking on the topic of Biblical womanhood, which is something we are both passionate about! We will be specifically talking about ways we can serve our husbands, according to their love languages. We want to make this more of a discussion, rather than a “lecture,” so you’ll be able to get in on the conversation via a chat box during the webinar! You can also expect to receive some memory verses and a worksheet or two (because hey, who doesn’t love worksheets?!). 🙂

The webinar should last around 30-45 minutes, so it won’t take a big chunk out of your evening. If you aren’t able to attend, we will be sending out a link to the recorded webinar afterwards…but we sure would love for you to join us live so that we maintain that discussion feel! 🙂

Does this sound like something you’re interested in? You can easily sign up below!


And if you wish to, it would be awesome if you would spread the word! You can pin the image in this post or share using the buttons on the left side of this page!

Can’t wait to see you there, friends! I’ve never gotten to chat with you live before so this will be special and so much fun!



Free Pursuing Biblical Womanhood Webinar - She Is Joyful & Just Bee Blog