HelloFresh Meals – Simplified Meal Planning
I was provided with HelloFresh products for this post. All opinions are my own (and my husband’s!). 🙂
My husband Bjorn and I lead a pretty busy life! Don’t let all the peaceful rural photos fool you into thinking we just sit around, haha! 😉 While we do enjoy simple joys and quiet, peaceful moments wherever we can grab ’em, we collectively have a lot on our plate in this season of life. And if we’re not thoughtful about it, this busyness can mean that certain weekly tasks are harder to accomplish – things like laundry, dishes, and meal planning!
We are both full-time teachers, but Bjorn is also an officer in the United States Army Reserves and farms as well. (It’s fun driving past our big field of soybeans this time of year!). He’s working on his Master’s, too. Alongside my teaching, I also manage this site and I’m a Rodan + Fields skin care consultant. So, we’re pretty busy, haha!
Like I said, we need to be thoughtful about how we approach our day-to-day schedules, because if we don’t use our time wisely, we may be letting a responsibility slide or we may find ourselves overwhelmed. We often literally budget our time in the evenings after teaching to make sure we accomplish all we need to each day.
RELATED: 10 Kitchen Habits That Save Time And Avoid Waste
Using our time wisely bubbles over into the kitchen realm. Although I do love to cook, one of the most frustrating parts about home cooked meals is the amount of leftover ingredients you find yourself with. I’m pretty sure right at this moment I have a little bottle of sesame oil in the fridge that doesn’t have a recipe destination right now.. 🙂
That’s where HelloFresh comes in. They plan the healthy, delicious recipes for you. They select fresh, beautiful ingredients for you – AND they measure them out perfectly so you have just what you need! You even get to skip the trip to the grocery store, which can be a huge time saver since they deliver the ingredients right to your front door!
Our Experience With HelloFresh Meals:
Bjorn and I tried three different HelloFresh meals recently and we had a blast! We really liked the fact that we totally skipped grocery shopping and didn’t have to worry about shopping for ingredients or measuring out proportions ourselves.
The meals we selected for the week were:
– Italian Meatloaf
– Berbere-Spiced Salmon
– Jamie’s Cajun Chicken
We really liked the packaging. Everything came delivered to us cold, with nice cold packs in the box for the perishable items. Everything was really thought-through and efficiently put together. The recipe book also had a beautiful, easy-to-follow layout.
Bjorn and I love to spend time in the kitchen together, whether one of us is prepping the meat while the other chops fresh ingredients, or we’re both washing and cutting produce together. I love how HelloFresh allowed us to still spend that time preparing food together, but without the hassle of measuring out how much of each ingredient we needed. We could just “grab and go”!
We loved all three meals so it was rather hard to pick a favorite; however, it was really fun just to be introduced to new ingredients, such as the berbere spice blend! It’s something I wouldn’t normally have thought to pick up in the grocery store, so it was a fun new experience to try a unique spice! We also don’t often buy shallots and a couple of the recipes included them – we love trying and experimenting with new things, so it was a blast to have this risk-free, perfectly-measured-out opportunity to do so! 🙂
^^ our delicious Berbere-Spiced Salmon ^^
The three meals were all delicious (as in, we kept exclaiming how fun and yummy they were!); plus, it felt great knowing someone had thoughtfully come up with this recipe for us that kept us eating healthy and using fresh ingredients.
^^ Italian Meatloaf ^^
Want to learn more about HelloFresh? You can hop on over to their site to read a bit more about their process and sneak a peek at upcoming recipes!
HelloFresh Promo Code For You!
Guess what? Now YOU have the chance to try HelloFresh for yourself! Use the promo code HannahO35 for $35 off your first box!
What are you waiting for? Try out this fun new way to simplify your meal planning (and meal prep!) and get cooking healthy meals with those you love! 🙂