Happy weekend (and a $115 giveaway)

Good morning and happy weekend, you guys!!! I’ve just loved reading through your questions about my time in Cambodia on this post. I can’t wait to share more about that incredible, challenging experience. It’s hard to believe that I lived in SE Asia at one point.It’s so different from what my world looks like today. Today I got to wake up beside my husband in our cozy little rental house, in our tiny little quiet town. No tuk-tuks or “motos” roaring by. No 80-degree weather. Just birds chirping, a church bell ringing at 8 am, crystal frost sparking in the sun. Brr! But you know what? I love it. 🙂 Every corner of the world can be great in its own way.

Today you’ve got the chance to win $115 of Paypal cash! This giveaway is super easy to enter. You know the drill. Visit my friends below. Meet new bloggers. Get entered to win!

All right…have at it! And hey – have a lovely weekend!


PS – The Starbucks giveaway from earlier this week is still going on! You’ve still got a chance to win $100 bucks to this favorite coffeeshop of mine! Scroll back a couple posts, or enter to win THAT cash here. 🙂

hannah | shane
karli | mar
lauren | rebekah
lindsay | amy | sara | karisssa



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