Thanks for your interest in Just Bee! I’m so glad you’re here. Really. I appreciate you. I want to be your cheerleader and encourager! I just love connecting with my readers and getting to know each of you better. It is seriously one of my favorite things about this blogging journey!
So, how can I help you? How can I promote/encourage/make you look good? 😉
Are you a blog? Just think of all the ways we can connect and help each other grow: button swapping, link-ups, giveaways, guest posts…and more! Simply contact me at the e-mail address below with your ideas and we’ll get the ball rolling.
Are you a business? I’d love to offer you additional exposure by providing an honest review of your product or by hosting a giveaway. E-mail me at the address below if you’d like me to feature your shop or your product and we’ll see if we’re a good fit! * Note: I am happy to promote blogs/brands that fit with the aesthetic and personality of this blog. I am rather selective about the types of products/businesses I promote in this space; feel free to send any questions, comments, or inquiries my way. I look forward to connecting with you.
Stats, as of July 2015:
Followers via Bloglovin’: 676+
Followers via Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, & Just Bee’s Facebook page: 1,706+
Total followers: 2,382+
* Just Bee is a smaller but quickly growing blog (total followers has more than quadrupled since Fall 2014!). I look forward to helping you grow as this online space continues to grow!
justbeeblog [at]
Past Collaborations:
(although the relationship does not end there! I love staying in touch with those I’ve worked with in the past!)
Contributor at Wanderlust Stories
Simplicity Relished // A Letter To My Students
Casual Claire // Speaking Kindly About Our Husbands
Recipe/Photography Contributor at The After Hours Chef
September Farm // Saturday Confessional // Our First Year of Christmas Cards
Blogging For Books // A Love Undone – A Review
A Savory Feast // Coconut Chia Pudding
Our Yellow Door // Dear Me: A Letter to Myself on My Wedding Day
Coffee With Summer // 4 Reasons To Study Abroad