Finding joy in a long season.


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It can be so hard to find beauty in winter sometimes….especially by the time you’ve had months and months of it!! Welcome to Minnesota. 😉 Subzero temperatures make our parking-lot conversations short, ice makes us cautious, and snowdrifts on cars and roads either makes us anxious or annoyed. Winter has settled over this state like an unwelcome houseguest and I think most Minnesotans are really over winter at this point (myself included). But in an effort to stay grateful and truly worshipful no matter the season, I’ve collected a few pictures from the last couple weeks – pictures proving that winter, despite all its barrenness and harshness, can be breathtakingly beautiful!! It’s a great reminder when applied to life in general: no matter the season of life we’re in, if we search for the good things, we can find simple, raw beauty anywhere.

Oh, and those 50-degree temps I see peeking around the corner in the forecast? Get here soon please!!! 🙂

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How do you pull joy with you through these longer seasons of life??



    1. I’m glad you liked it, Cassie! It sure is draining – that’s why I had to go and seek out opportunities to love on winter! 😉

  1. You are right! It is a challenge to stay happy and healthy in the thick of winter. I would way rather complain that be thankful. I am however so pumped about the warm weather we have had lately! Minnesota girls unite!

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