Leave overwhelm behind. Become a present mama who runs a peaceful + productive home!


Does any of this sound familiar?

I wish I could be a more present mom with my kids.”

Do I only need to learn to manage my home better? Will that help? Or do I just need to try harder to have a better attitude?

Maybe you wake up frazzled in the morning with your kids calling for you, and when you come downstairs you see the pile of dishes in the sink, the mess from last night heaped everywhere, and you sigh. It feels like everything is calling your name.

You hate to admit it, but you “escape” on your phone during the morning when you feel like your children aren’t listening to you yet again. Your hours are spent cleaning up and trying to control your own emotions as you feel more and more overwhelmed by daily tasks. Mealtime is a scramble as you look in the pantry and try to brainstorm something to make.

When naptime comes, you’d love a break to focus on hobbies or get a project done, but when you look around, you still see the never-ending piles of laundry heaped in your bedroom, dishes in the sink, and toys out everywhere.

You love being a mom and you want to honor God in motherhood, but you just can’t seem to get ahead enough on household tasks. Add to that your feelings of discouragement and general overwhelm, and you know you’re not being the most present mama you can be.

You know the effect you have on your whole family and you wish there was a way to climb out of the chaos.

What if…

You could sit down and play with your kids, without feeling like you’re sacrificing the housework?

You actually had time to pursue hobbies or projects? How great would it feel to finally get those half-finished tasks done, instead of running around trying to catch up?

How would you like to have a home that wasn’t constantly weighing you down with dishes, toys, and other messes?

What if you DIDN’T count down the minutes till bedtime?

What if you were a present mama with a sense of purpose and joy, who had a peaceful AND productive home?

Just Imagine:

  • A home that doesn’t stress you out
  • Systems in place that keep you from feeling overwhelmed
  • Truly productive days
  • Mental and emotional strength during those hard mama times
  • Patience and joy when you’re with your kids
  • Fresh purpose and perspective in your motherhood journey

The solution? It’s what I call “The Present Mama Equation.”

When we put the following 2 elements together, we become a present mother:

#1: You ready yourself mentally, and make sure you are spiritually and emotionally ready for the day or situation with a peaceful, positive perspective.

#2: You add in household systems that run smoothly.

The result? When you are filled with peace and a good perspective, AND the house is logistically running smoothly itself, that EQUALS a present mama.

Being a present mama directly affects your children and husband, and the quality and intentionality of your life overall! Everyone benefits when Mama is at peace and is a present parent.

How do we get there? I’ve got good news for you!

Find your strategies and fresh perspective right here!

Get 12 modules PACKED with practical lessons, including 130 videos, plus a huge PDF full of printable worksheets, checklists, and more!

“It is FANTASTIC. I have been devouring the course! It is so good! Hannah shares a lot of good ways about thinking about motherhood and day-to-day parenting, but she also shares the most brilliant tips for mothering! It has dramatically improved my day-to-day mothering, which at this stage is a bit challenging. I hear her tips and tricks come into my mind during difficult parenting moments – the words she shares and the phrases that you can use. All of her wisdom in the course – it is so good! I think any mother would benefit from it. If you are a Christian stay-at-home mom, I think it’s geared toward that subset, but truly, any mom would benefit from the amazing tips and tricks. I’ve been making all kinds of mental notes and implementing her strategies and tips.

There are so many implementable things Hannah shares that I’ve started implementing and it has made a world of difference! I can’t wait to complete the rest of the course because it has been so incredible so far. If you are struggling in motherhood, just looking for new tools to add to your toolbox, or you are looking for some new perspectives, The Present Mama Playbook is very refreshing, very practical, and very helpful!” – Blair Lamb

“I am a seasoned mother with three children, and a new stay at home mom. My husband and I felt a strong conviction to have me home with the children, and I was so thankful when that door finally opened! However I found myself floundering, and treading water with being patient and intentional with the children, and struggling to maintain the house day to day, and discouraged in creating the environment we dreamed of for our family.

Hannah’s course provided encouraging and practical education to equip me to reach those goals. She provided many practical ways to be productive and efficient, and also generational wisdom I feel is often missed in our modern culture. I feel encouraged and empowered in moving forward in my challenging and important role as a mother to young children, and the keeper of my family’s home. I am sure I will refer back to the hope and wisdom this course provided for many years to come!”

– Jackie C.

“This course was incredible. It is so hard for me to find moms who are like-minded and [Hannah’s] kiddos are just a few steps ahead of mine. Having someone with a life that looks a lot like mine, who loves Jesus, and is mothering with grace and patience to look to for guidance has been so helpful. This course was equally practical and inspirational! I have truly found so many ways to incorporate the Present Mama Playbook principles into our home. We are utilizing books when we need a reset instead of TV. I have found ways to incorporate more of our faith into our routines and sprinkled throughout our day. I have learned to be so much more present with my kids. That is priceless to me.” – Megan N.

“The Present Mama Playbook is so encouraging and incredibly practical. It’s paced to fit a busy mom’s schedule, requiring only a few minutes a day and covering so many different pieces of the homemaker’s life. This class was such a good reminder and help in thinking about my life and homemaking primarily as a way to bless other people, whether friends or my own family. I love the intermingling of reminders of the heart attitudes a godly homemaker should be pursuing with super hands-on, useful ideas I can use today. Totally recommend!”
– Jordan B.

“I’ve loved diving in and learning from The Present Mama Playbook! In this busy season as a mom of 2, with another on the way, I sometimes find myself fumbling through housework, or struggling to connect positively with my kids during a challenging day. Listening to Hannah share many of her wise tips during the course gave me a similar feeling to sitting down with a dear friend over a cup of coffee and asking, “Do you have any advice for  —? “ That’s the best type of advice, too… when you feel both encouraged and inspired to make intentional change.

I enjoyed the variety of topics each week and the humble challenge it was to begin implementing what I’d learned in each lesson into both my parenting strategies and housework systems.
I admire Hannah’s heart behind creating this course and the goal of the Present Mama Equation. When we set our focus on our desire to honor the Lord in our parenting, and combine that with streamlined and effective homemaking systems — we truly can be more present and peaceful mamas to our little ones. The Present Mama Playbook has given me renewed focus to do just that!”

– Courtney F.

Ready to join?


The Present Mama Playbook

Leave overwhelm behind! You CAN become a present mama who runs a peaceful + productive home!

In this course, we’re addressing both sides of The Present Mama Equation.

We’ll talk about ways to improve our perspective, focus, and even mental resiliency in motherhood. AND we’ll delve deep into sustainable, efficient household systems that’ll dig you out of daily chaos and keep your home running smoothly.

Our goal in the end is not simply to have a positive attitude, OR just to have a clean home. Our goal: to be the most present mama we can be – bringing glory to God as we lovingly, intentionally maintain our home and raise our precious children. We’ll benefit. Everyone in the family will benefit. Are you ready, friend?

Here is what you’ll get when you enroll:

  • 12 modules of practical advice on the following topics: homemaking/cleaning, parenting strategies, systems that streamline your life, productivity, and establishing good mindsets as a mom!
  • Entire UPDATED Present Mama Playbook course containing OVER 130 videos!
  • An invitation to join our private collaborative Pinterest board, where fellow mamas are sharing their family’s tried-and-true meal ideas
  • Weekly check-in emails from me, keeping you updated on course content so you don’t miss out!
  • Printables (housecleaning checklists, routine charts to use with children, + more)

“I have always been an organized person who loves and thrives on routine. However, having 3 children under 2 years old quickly made my home and life feel chaotic. This course helped me to remember WHY it is important to have positive routines and it gave me new tips on how to implement them with little ones. I really appreciate Hannah’s gracious and peaceful outlook on motherhood and homemaking. I now have new strategies to use when moments in motherhood feel draining or overwhelming! 

There is literally something for everyone in this course. Whether or not you are struggling in motherhood or homemaking, this course is full of practical tips and wisdom.

Truly, I loved this course. I’m grateful for Hannah’s wisdom and especially her heart toward motherhood. I know this course can help so many moms! Thank you, Hannah, for pouring your heart into this course in order to help other women! I plan on rewatching the entire course again soon!”
– Brianna P.

“I just finished The Present Mama Playbook. I truly enjoyed every minute of it.

The videos are great quality and Hannah is so calm and kind in her videos. Very wise and peaceful. The content is practical, positive, challenging, and motivating. You walk away feeling encouraged and exhorted! I am a more present, positive mother. I would recommend it to a friend! It is very encouraging, full of helpful tips and information, and helpful to take in in bite-sized videos. I know that I will carry so many of these tips into my future as a mother. Thank you, thank you!”

– Ali M.

This fun, knowledge filled playbook has given me so many pointers on how to be an organized, calm, fun and present mama during all parts of my day to day life. The Present Mama Playbook gave me different perspectives on how to approach life as a busy mom. Sometimes I get overwhelmed trying to do everything at once and cannot find the time to just sit and play one on one with my little one or even sit and set aside time for myself. I really enjoyed how Hannah’s videos and write ups were short enough for me to feel as though I could always fit them into my schedule. Watching these videos also gave me satisfaction that I was doing something to grow myself as a mother. I highly recommend this intricate and knowledgeable playbook. If you are a mama who needs some extra tips on how to manage your day, set time aside for you and your kiddos, organize spaces or just hear stories about how life doesn’t always have to be perfect then this is the playbook for you!”
– Annika E.

“I’ve really enjoyed The Present Mama Playbook. I feel that I have improved on simply being better at being present with my children. All of the topics are helpful! I’ve found all of them to be encouraging and educational. Very good tips, thanks! I’m glad I signed up for it. Thank you for putting these videos together to help moms, they’ve been a great help to me in my motherhood journey!”

– Jill M.

This course has helped me change the way I think about things concerning parenthood. I try not to react too harshly, and instead think about what my little girl is thinking and feeling. I think the information is really good and well worth watching. The format was good. I liked that you could easily go back and find a certain video and the way Hannah presented the information felt like she was chatting with me and giving me some advice and wisdom. I think it was worth more than what I paid and I honestly don’t know how you could improve it. I enjoyed it a lot.

– Katie M.

Ready to join?


You will also receive a beautiful, comprehensive photography guide for mamas!

There’s something so special about photography. It’s magical to have the ability to freeze a moment in time, especially when it involves precious people in your life.

In this detailed guide, you’ll find my tips for taking pictures OF your children, getting into photos WITH your children, and how to edit photos on your phone quickly!

This course is for you if:

  • You want to be a present mother!
  • You want to climb out of overwhelm.
  • You want to see your husband and your children benefit, too!
  • You’re willing to put in the work to make change happen (trying out new strategies + consistency goes a long way).

This course is not for you if:

  • You want to keep doing things the same way you’ve always done them.
  • You don’t feel like implementing new strategies.
  • You only want to dwell on the “negative” side of mom life.


Is The Present Mama Playbook only for stay-at-home moms?
The topics and systems covered in the course are definitely very beneficial for stay-at-home moms. Since The Present Mama Playbook was created by a stay-at-home mom (yours truly!), you’ll see tips and videos mentioning daily routines that reflect a stay-at-home parent’s life. However, the majority of videos in this course are strategies that can be applied by ANY mom! If you want to implement fresh perspectives in motherhood, productivity hacks, and effective homemaking systems, you’ll benefit from this course.

Is there a money-back guarantee?
Absolutely. There is a 30-day money-back guarantee. I want this course to be worth not only your time, but your money. I understand it’s an investment. If after 30 days (4 weeks of content) you feel this isn’t a good fit for you, I will refund you the full amount of your investment. You should feel comfortable giving it a shot and seeing if these strategies and tips work for you! (I believe they will!) So, yes – enrolling in The Present Mama Playbook is risk-free!

I’m already overwhelmed. How will I add this course into my chaotic life?
This course comes in doable, bite-sized chunks! The 12 modules are spread out over 12 weeks. I introduce one new module to you each week, to keep things manageable and focused, but you will have immediate access to the entire course, so you’ll have the option of “working ahead” if you’d like! Each week contains a number of short video lessons. You can decide to watch all of the videos at once each week or watch only a video or two per day. Many of the lessons can be watched or listened to like a podcast – while you’re doing dishes, folding laundry, you name it! I know your time is valuable so I make sure to keep the videos applicable and to the point.

And, don’t worry – you won’t lose access to the course if life happens and you need to adjust your timeline! (I have students who still enjoy revisiting past lessons!)

Implementing most of these strategies into your busy life won’t take much time – it’s not like you’ll get a list from me of big new projects to start – instead, much of what you’ll learn in this course will involve a shift in how you do things, plus consistency! You’ll be so pleased with the changes you see!

Do I get all of the videos when I sign up?
The short answer: yes!

When you enroll, you’ll be given a password to access the main page for the course – and from there, you can immediately access all of the (over 130) videos in the course!

I like to spread the 12 modules out over 12 weeks. I introduce one new module to you each week via email, to keep things manageable and focused, but since you get immediate access to the entire course, you’ll have the option of “working ahead” if you’d like!

As you progress through the course, you’ll still be able to access all of the videos from the previous weeks! And, don’t worry – you won’t lose access to the course if life happens! (I have students who still enjoy revisiting past lessons!)

Is this a “religious” course?
Because my faith is so important to me, there are certainly many mentions of the Christian faith in this course, including some videos that are only on faith topics. But the 130+ videos in The Present Mama Playbook can help and encourage any mother, regardless of religious background. I will say, if you’re uncomfortable with God being mentioned at all, then this course probably isn’t for you. I’m more than happy to discuss what I believe with you if you have further questions, though!

I have children who aren’t the same age as yours. Is this course still relevant to me?
The videos in this course cover topics ranging from housecleaning and productivity to mental resiliency and mealtimes, among other things. There are videos in this course about naptimes, and parenting toddlers, preschoolers, and early elementary ages, because that is the stage of life I’m in now. However, the majority of the videos in this course are strategies that can be applied by ANY mom! There are definitely mamas with children older than mine who have found The Present Mama Playbook to be very applicable! If you want to implement fresh perspectives in motherhood, productivity hacks, and effective homemaking systems, you’ll benefit from this course.

What happens once I enroll? What are the next steps?
When you join, you’ll soon be emailed with a password for the main page for the course – and from there, you can immediately access all of the (over 130) videos in The Present Mama Playbook! You’ll also see a huge PDF of note-taking worksheets, checklists, and other printables ready for you to print out and use!

Then you’ll start receiving Present Mama Playbook-related emails from me. Over the next 12 weeks, I’ll be checking in with you once a week to introduce the next new module. (But since you get immediate access to the entire course, you will have the option of “working ahead” if you’d like!)

In addition, upon enrolling, you’ll be invited to join our private collaborative group Pinterest board full of tried-and-true recipes!

A motherhood course should be worth your investment!

That’s why I’m offering my course for much less than other motherhood courses. I understand it’s an investment anyway, but I want this to be especially affordable for overwhelmed or busy mamas. And, I want to take the monetary risk out of it for you! There is also a 30-day money back guarantee to help you feel even more comfortable giving it a shot!

You CAN glean new strategies and implement them successfully WITHOUT breaking the bank!

The path to present motherhood starts here.

Can’t wait to go through all of these practical, inspirational lessons with you!!


Hi, I’m Hannah!

I’m a wife and mama living in Minnesota with my husband and our three children, Sophie, Soren, and Svea! I’m an elementary teacher turned stay-at-home, homeschooling mom, and I love what I do! I taught for 4 years before having the privilege to stay at home with our kids.

My background as a teacher has helped me greatly as a stay-at-home mom, and I’m grateful I’ve also gleaned so much from my own mother, who was a stay-at-home mom herself. But besides that, I’ve truly HAD to learn how to run an efficient household, because my family has a more mobile lifestyle:

We live in two different locations throughout each year due to my husband’s job. If I were NOT intentional about effective systems, our busy, mobile life with three young children would be complete chaos. I’ve found that being intentional about both my homemaking AND my perspective has made all the difference in my journey as a mama and I want that peace for you, too!

Some of my greatest joys in life are those smallest moments with my children – you know, those times where you’re so present with them that you’re not reaching for your phone or distracted with anything else. I strive to fill my days with more of those moments – it takes intentionality and having good strategies in my motherhood toolkit so that I can strategically climb out of overwhelm, and quickly!

I created the Present Mama Playbook because I want to help you find fresh purpose in motherhood AND have a home that runs smoothly! The goal: to be the most present and peaceful mama you can be!

I’m so glad you’re here, and I can’t wait to get to know you better!

– Hannah

Don’t miss out!

The next 3 months are going to pass anyway. 12 weeks from now, your motherhood journey could be filled with fresh perspective and strategies! Or, you could find yourself in the same boat with the same feelings of overwhelm. Let’s not be stuck in the same spot!

Take the first step and move towards a life of peaceful productivity!