Easter Break Snapshots

Hi friends! Happy Wednesday! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter. We enjoyed a 5 day break from work, and filled our days with time with family (both sides), good food, relaxation, and even a trip to Washington, DC for Bjorn (something I’ll explain in another post).

Easter break was ideally placed, schedule-wise. It felt like the perfect time to have a few days off to relax and reset. And we looooved it for that! But before we get all caught up in the mantra of “thank goodness for time off – we deserved it,” let’s not forget what we celebrated on Easter Sunday: not the family egg hunts, not the Easter bunny (whom I’ve never grown attached to!), not even just a good meal – we celebrated a time of rebirth, renewal, and most of all, redemption! Christianity centers around the fact that Jesus came back to life after death – a death He did not deserve, yet a death that earned us the right to stand there before God in all our sinfulness and claim forgiveness. What a priceless gift!

I’ll leave you with some snapshots of the past few days. 🙂 Spring (although a bit cool) is finally here!!

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My terrible fail at a John Deere farm computer game… Oh boy. I have some real work to do before I can help out on the farm! 🙂
tea party
My best friend Jordan drove down for a tea party one afternoon! We always have such good talks, and I’m so grateful for her. 🙂

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This lovely home is actually a Dunn Bros Coffee…and is probably my favorite coffeeshop in the world!
spa day
I FINALLY used the Christmas gift from my husband – and got a massage!!! It was a wonderful way to spend a morning! 🙂

How was your Easter? Did you spend time with family and friends? How do you like to celebrate holidays? 🙂


    1. Isn’t it?? I seriously can’t get enough pictures of that place. It’s gorgeous!! I love when people buy old houses and turn them into a fun bookstore or coffee shop!

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