Currently // December 2014


It’s officially Christmas break!!!! These two teachers are doing a happy dance over here – okay, more like we are still lounging in bed with mugs of hot cocoa. Everyone has their own version of the happy dance, isn’t that right? 😉

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I just love reading people’s “currently” posts. It’s so fun to have a peek into what daily life is like for someone else. It’s been a while, so here’s what we’re currently:

Eating: healthier meals! Okay, we’re trying. We really are. The desserts are a little more difficult, considering we came home Friday with all sorts of chocolates and plates of cookies from students 😉 But we’ve been focusing on salads, healthy fats like avocados, and I take sandwiches to school made with Ezekiel Bread. We were sick of eating meals and snacks in November that made us feel poorly. I’m also working on staying more hydrated – a constant struggle. Bjorn says I drink water like a bird. 🙂


Listening to: Taylor Swift’s song Shake It Off. I was a little late to the party on this one but this song is just too catchy! It’s the perfect song to dance to as I get ready in the morning! 😉

Looking forward to: seeing BILLY JOEL IN CONCERT IN MAY!!!!!! We couldn’t be more excited. I listened to Billy Joel’s CDs all throughout my teen years, and Bjorn uses the song “We Didn’t Start The Fire” to teach his middle schoolers about the Cold War! We blast “The Downeaster Alexa” and “Uptown Girl” in the car. And all summer and fall this year, whenever we heard about an artist coming to MN, we say, “Oh, well if it were Billy Joel, we’d definitely pay to go! We’d give anything to go if Billy Joel went on tour again!” Well, guess what? He’s on tour again. And we’re ecstatic. 😀


Grateful for: our health. our jobs. the ability to be saving money.

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a little bit of student love. not pictured: the plates of cookies given to Mr. Olson!

Playing: records, records, records! It’s fun picking up 99 cent records that we find at Goodwill. We’ve got “The Music Man Soundtrack,” a Tchaikovsky collection, Civil War era songs (Bjorn’s students say: “Mr. Olson, do you REALLY listen to that stuff?” ha!), and other classical and choral music.

the stockings were hung under the record player with care… 🙂

Missing: Virginia. We’ll never forget what a special honeymoon the whole summer was for us! Between the beaches, the forests, and the many Civil War sites, we certainly fell in love with the beautiful state.


Dreaming about: our future home. We love these “house planning dates” dearly. Someday, we will look back fondly on these simple memories, when we were young and hopeful and full of dreams. There is beauty in planning and in the anticipation of realizing our dreams together.

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How about you? What have you been up to? If you’ve done a “currently” post recently, leave the link – I’d love to stop by! 🙂


[ Psst – Like what you’re reading? Want to stay up-to-date on new posts? You can follow Just Bee on Bloglovin’ and on Instagram, as well as on our new Facebook page]


    1. 🙂 thanks, Daisy!! Yes, it can be both scary and fun – fun in that it is so exciting to imagine a new place to continue our life chapters! Hope you have a wonderful break, too! Colorado looks like a lovely place to celebrate Christmas! 🙂

  1. I love house planning dates. We know we want to move but we aren’t seriously looking yet, until we get our current house in selling condition. It’s so much fun to imagine all of the things we want in a new house/neighborhood.

    1. It sure is, Julie! House dreaming dates are so fun – I love talking about all the little “what-if”s and things we’d just love to have in a future home! Good luck with your house planning! 🙂

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