

I’m sliding in before the day is done to get my “currently” post up for Brave Love Blog‘s Blog-tember Challenge prompt for today! 🙂

Here’s what I’m currently:

Reading: A Fifty-Year Silence. I’m halfway through and honestly still trying to figure out how I feel about it. 🙂 Also, I am still reading and relying on God’s promises in the book of Isaiah. It has really touched my heart this year. You can read some of my favorite truths from Isaiah HERE.

Feeling: Nostalgic for summer (don’t we all want it back already?!) but excited about fall and catching our stride as the school year takes off.

Watching: the show “Heartland” (which I currently have all the heart eyes for, because I’m on a horses-learning-streak lately) and also a bit of “Master Chef” when I can fit it in. I can’t not watch food shows! 🙂

Learning: Western-style horseback riding. My lessons have seriously become such a beautiful break and getaway to look forward to each week! Also, Bjorn and I are signed up for a couple community education classes coming up soon! We’re excited because we are passionate about being lifelong learners in this household!

Excited about: My dear, dear friend Jordan is having her precious baby girl so soon!!! I cannot wait! We are so happy and excited for them and this new season of life they’re beginning!

Cooking: Batch after batch of overnight oats. Our favorites are these Peanut Butter Banana Overnight Oats and Overnight Peach Cobbler Protein Oats. (Try them! I’ve always been iffy on oatmeal because of the texture – but the peach recipe is awesome, and the peanut butter banana oats are wonderful with shredded coconut on top.)

Attending: Online blogging webinars!! I have participated in 3 so far (on the topics of simplicity with Rachel, blogging with Helene, and social media with Melyssa). They have been absolutely wonderful, and full of such valuable information! I highly recommend jumping in with webinars whenever you can!

Starting: to offer blogging sponsorships here at Just Bee!! If you’re looking for authentic promotion along with a sidebar ad, I’d love to be the one to support you! You can still get 50% off any ad space with the code WELCOME – there are a few left! The budget spot will be down to only be a couple bucks or so! I can’t wait to encourage you in your blogging journey, friends!

Eating: Breyer’s Indulgences Tiramisu Gelato. To be honest, I actually NEVER buy ice cream to eat at home, because my husband and I just never get around to it…but this one caught my eye at the grocery store and I think we may be best friends now. It’s hard to say no to tiramisu!

Adjusting to: Both of us being gone all day again. Little things like laundry and dishes and straightening up can’t be done during the day anymore. It sure feels different from my summer schedule 🙂 – but it is a good feeling. It has been wonderful to be back at school again – the elementary kids’ excitement is contagious!

Listening to: One of 2 awesome Spotify stations at any given moment: either my Gregory Alan Isakov station (seriously, listen to him) or the “Weekend Hangouts” playlist. Both are great stations for plugging away on work – my Gregory playlist is just a bit more peaceful! 🙂

Keeping: A clean house! I feel like we’ve got our systems in place and we’re sticking to them pretty well…and if things ever get a bit untidy, I can just quickly use this list to straighten everything up in 20 minutes!

Printing: Our one-year anniversary pictures! I’m trying to get a gallery wall together but it’s taking a little longer than I thought. It is still so fun to see these printed out! I believe it is such an important season of our life to capture!

Olson-91 cropped copy

Getting: Seriously sleepy! It’s about time to sign off for the night! (I’m on a teacher’s sleep schedule, haha.)

How about you, friends? What have you been up to lately?




        1. Ooh, fun! I should definitely try the maple flavor – that sounds perfect for fall! We just do a banana peanut butter or a peach, but I’ve been eyeing those recipes for chai overnight oats. I can’t seem to get enough of chai tea! 🙂

  1. Such a fun post Hannah! 🙂 I haven’t tried overnight oats yet, but I have oatmeal every morning! Need to try this out! Also blogging webinars are so amazing! I hope you have a great rest of your weekend!

    1. Thanks, Gina! Hope you’re having a great weekend! It really is starting to feel like fall around here 🙂 I think you may really like overnight oats, then! I guess what’s different is that we eat the overnight oats cold. I really like them, though! I’d love to hear if you try them out!

    1. Aww, thanks, Chelsea! 🙂 I realized later that the horse looks a bit short but that’s because my instructor also took the picture from on her horse! Haha. 🙂 Thanks, as always, for following along! You are so sweet!

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