Our Chicks: 7 Weeks Old


Our 31 little chickens are doing well! They’re over 7 weeks old now and they’re looking a LOT different from their first photo shoot and their pictures at 3 weeks!

They’re getting a lot more adult-like every day! It’s fun to see them ease out of that more awkward teenage phase.

It will be fun once we figure out who’s male and who’s female (we had ordered a “straight run” since the all-females runs were sold out and it’s cheaper to just get an unknown mix). I’m hoping for considerably more females than males, both because I’m excited for many farm fresh eggsย and because I’m still not a fan of roosters after the Lord Frumplebottom saga. ๐Ÿ˜‰






  1. So fun! We housesat for friends that had chickens and I loved checking to see of they had laid eggs everyday. There’s nothing like fresh eggs!

    1. Aww! That is so fun, Mar! I agree – fresh eggs are amazing! I made a recipe once and I used one farm egg and one store bought egg. They looked so different! Thank you for reading along! ๐Ÿ™‚

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