April Recap
I started a new little series recently where I shared what I’m looking forward to in April. At the start of the month each month, I want to do a “What I’m Looking Forward To” post and at the end of each month, I want to do a “Recap” post. This is mostly because I feel I’ve really let personal life-update posts slide lately And I also want this blog to act as a personal journal or way to document what’s going on in life right now.
April Recap:
Can you believe April is over already? It’s hard to believe it’s time to do a recap of the month! (I’m not complaining that it’s already May, though! This teacher is grateful to see the summery months right around the corner!)
RELATED: April // What I’m Looking Forward To
Let’s take a look at some of the things I was looking forward to in April, and then I can share a little more about what April brought us. 🙂
Easter Break came and went so quickly. I was feeling a bit under the weather, plus I came thisclose to actually losing my voice completely at work that week (a teacher’s worst nightmare, haha), so it was nice to rest.
We’ve been plugging away on our fun new project I mentioned in this post. I’m excited to share about it with you all, but it’s still undercover for right now!
I finally got my hair done! I get it cut and colored only about twice a year, and while that saves money, I found myself thinking I really need to do it more often. 🙂 I got highlights and lowlights, and several (at least several!) inches off! It always surprises me when I get it cut shorter – there’s less to wash and it just feels weird, you know? But I’ve been liking it as a more springy cut.
In other news, I definitely finished that season of “Heartland” I had mentioned! 🙂 I got through it pretty quickly. I like to pop a show up on my laptop while I do the dishes at night. It’s safe to say that I LOVED it. I may actually have to splurge this summer and buy the next seasons of the show to watch online — for the first time in my life! It’s that worth it. “Heartland” is such a great show. It’s a feel-good kind of show, with wonderful camerawork, and still has a bit of drama and excitement for sure! Not to mention the rural / country life aspect.
I’ve become worse about meal planning this past winter and now into spring. Thankfully, Bjorn and I had the opportunity to try BlueApron meals last week, which was a blast! I really need to get into better meal planning. (Or back into crockpot meals!) Are there any specific meal planning systems, products, or journals you recommend??
It feels like Bjorn’s been gone a lot lately for army and other commitments – and oftentimes, it’s overnight – so I’ve been getting used to doing some things alone. As an introvert, I do okay because I love quiet time alone at home to be productive and reflective. But, as a wife who just loves hanging out with my husband – watching shows, talking, laughing, cuddling, just doing daily life together – it’s been hard. I get a bit lonely sometimes. We live in a really small community and I can’t just hop in the car and head to the nearest Starbucks. I know it’s nothing like a deployment but we are up to almost 200 total days and nights of our marriage apart now. That’s why I’ve written posts on things like staying productive + positive when my husband’s out of town! It’s as good a reminder for me as it may be for anyone else!
My mom came to visit a couple weekends ago when Bjorn was out of town and we got some great projects done around the house! I’m so grateful for her and the fact that my parents don’t live too far away. It allows us to still spend time together and even meet up for a day! Mom and I went for a walk on Earth Day at a local park (after eating some fresh strawberry shortcake!) – the sun was hot and it was a gorgeous day to be outside!
I’ve been LOVING my new Thieves Household Cleaner lately! I’d heard about it for a while, and I love diffusing my Thieves oil blend throughout the house (so I knew I loved that cinnamon-like scent), but I finally jumped in and ordered the concentrated cleaner. I ordered a glass spray bottle to put it in. All it takes is one small capful of the concentrate, and you fill the rest of your bottle with water! It even degreases the top of my stove really well. I’m impressed!
Drinking enough water has never been a strength of mine. I always thought that plain water tasted…well, boring, so I always gravitated towards juice or other drinks like tea. But lately, I’ve gotten much better about staying hydrated with plain water! Somedays, I even bring a lunchbox with an icepack in it to work so I can keep my water bottles ice-cold during the day!
School (aka teaching) has been really busy lately. It’s that “crunch time” of the school year, with only a month left of school now. As a Title I (small group reading/math teacher) in an elementary school, much of my job involves running and implementing academic interventions for students, and collecting tons of data in the process. I’ve had a lot of meetings lately to keep on top of everything. I also got my final peer coach observation of the year done (the previous 3 years, I was observed by principals 3x a year), so that feels good.
Hope you all had a nice April, friends!! Stay tuned for an upcoming post about the month of May!
Blessings and congratulations on the exciting news!