Affordable Spring + Summer Toddler Outfits From Kidizen (+ $5 for free for you!)
If you’ve followed me on Instagram for a while, then you’ve probably heard me mention Kidizen! 🙂 Oh, Kidizen. Honestly, I don’t know where I would be without this app. (Actually, I do know where I’d be: I’d have spent a LOT more money on Sophie’s clothes over these past couple years!) My friend Eden deserves a huge thank-you for first introducing me to this app back when I was pregnant with Sophie!! It’s something I highly, highly recommend to all mamas, because we all know how easily cute baby clothing can add up over time. Might as well save money on it!

What is Kidizen?
If you’re not familiar with it, Kidizen is an app (and now, also a website) where you can buy and sell used and new kids’ clothing! But it’s even more than that. It’s a whole parent-to-parent marketplace!! On Kidizen, you can find shoes, toys, books, clothes…and, a newer development, clothing for moms as well! With such a good filter on the app, you can literally search for exactly what you need for your little one! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve hopped on Kidizen and searched by size/clothing brand/condition (“excellent,” “new,” etc.), and keyword…and have been able to find just what I needed, at a much lower price than in stores! I’ve even bought things like a new sleep sack or new onesies for Sophie during all of those middle-of-the-night nursing sessions! That’s how easy it is.
The Special Connections This App Brings:
There is a built-in messaging system, so you can always ask other parents questions about the items of clothing they have posted for sale. And then when the packages arrive, I’m always blown away by how sweet these moms are – moms I’ve never met, sometimes all the way across the country – when they include a sweet “thank-you” note with the clothing, and even things like stickers for Sophie, a free extra headband tossed in, or even specialty chocolate from a Kidizen mama in Hawaii! I love the way this app connects mamas from all around the U.S. and provides us with a great way to buy and sell clothing for our littles.
Planning Ahead + Getting Even Better Deals!
Sophie’s been growing up a lot lately! It’s so bittersweet. While she has some 12 month outfits that still fit her (and one 6 month size vest?!?!), we’re definitely moving into 24 month and even size 2T territory!
I really like to plan ahead with Sophie’s clothing as much as possible, so that we don’t get caught on a nice day without a good T-shirt, or caught on a cooler day without a sweatshirt that fits. I tend to dress Sophie in jeans (technically, jeggings, because I like how they’re much softer for her to wear), and some kind of cute shirt and a bow. That’s the kind of dresser I tend to be, too: jeans and a shirt. 🙂
I often make a list of the clothing Sophie may need in the future, just so I stay ahead of her needs! Kidizen comes in super handy for this. I LOVE how I can just “favorite” items for later, and even add items to my cart to come back to later. The coolest thing about adding items to your cart on Kidizen? It notifies the shop owner – another mom in the U.S. – and she has the opportunity to offer you an additional discount or special deal!! I love getting these notifications, because who doesn’t love a personalized discount? Oftentimes, these moms want to get rid of the extra clothing lying around their house as fast as possible! And Kidizen’s prices are already so low (often including shipping costs, too), so an additional offer from a seller is always an added bonus when you’re looking for a steal! I recently got Sophie a white sun hat for this summer, since her infant sun hat was comically small on her, and I scored it for $6 total, including shipping, if not even less, because of the mom offering me an additional discount!
What If I Don’t Like Buying “Used” Clothing?
Now, I know that some people shy away from buying “used” clothes. I understand that technically you don’t know what happened to the outfits before your child wears them…but the moms who sell on Kidizen are very transparent about the wear on the clothing items. Also, you can filter by clothing condition, so you can honestly just select “New With Tag” or “New Without Tag” every time, if you prefer pieces that haven’t been worn! I definitely get Sophie used clothes, but I’ve still found a large amount of brand-new items on Kidizen with the tags still on! I usually filter clothing condition by including the following selections: “New With Tag,” “New Without Tag,” “Excellent,” and “Very Good.” (That’s excluding the two “lowest” clothing condition categories, but that’s just my personal preference for buying used clothing.)
Today I wanted to share some of Sophie’s outfits for spring and summer! Like I said earlier, I’ve started buying clothing in size 2T in order to plan ahead. Some of these pieces are still a bit big on Sophie, but she’ll be growing into them before we know it! I’m thrilled with all of the outfits I found on Kidizen, and I know we’ll get great use out of these items for a long time! (There are many other clothing items I’ve gotten, but these are some of my favorite pieces or outfits! It’ll be fun to mix and match these pieces!)
Thank you to Kidizen for sponsoring today’s post. If you use my affiliate link to sign up or purchase, I may make a small commission on it, at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting me!
Affordable Spring + Summer Toddler Outfits From Kidizen:
Outfit #1:

Shirt: Old Navy mustard tie top, $10 including shipping
Jeggings: Cat & Jack brand, $5.95 including shipping
Rain Boots: Boatilus brand, $18 including shipping
Outfit #2:

Shirt: H&M embroidered top, $9 including shipping
Jeggings: Cat & Jack brand, $5.95 including shipping
Boots: Boatilus brand, $18 including shipping

Outfit #3:

Hoodie: Carters brand, $10 including shipping
Jeggings: Cat & Jack brand, $5.95 including shipping
Boots: Boatilus brand, $18 including shipping

Outfit #4:

Shirt: Gap flutter-sleeve tee, was part of a bundle of 3 similar shirts for $14 total including shipping
Jeggings: Cat & Jack brand, $5.95 including shipping
Outfit #5:

Shirt: Circo brand flutter-sleeve tee, part of a bundle with a similar shirt (both with tags still on!) for a total of $7 including shipping
Jeggings: Cat & Jack brand, $5.95 including shipping
Headband: thrown in as a free surprise! 🙂

Outfit #6:

Dress: Old Navy sweatshirt tutu dress, new with tag on, $16.50 including shipping

$5 For Free For You!
CLICK HERE to use my referral link and get $5 for free!
One of my favorite things about Kidizen is the fact that you get such darling nice clothes for such a good deal! (And psst – Once you sign up and get going on the app yourself, you can start referring your friends and earning small commissions (in Kidizen credits) as well!) It’s been so fun introducing you all to Kidizen over the past couple years. I share it with anyone I can, because I seriously can’t think of a more fun or easy way to purchase new and used clothing for my daughter! The packages come right to you – no hectic shopping trips needed!
And the moms I’ve interacted with have been so sweet! I remember messaging back and forth with a mom on Kidizen when I was looking for a dress for Sophie’s dedication over a year ago. The mom was so excited that I wanted to purchase the sweet white dress she had for sale, because her own daughter had worn that for her baptism!
There are so many sweet connections to be made, and cute outfits to be discovered. Mamas, if you haven’t checked out Kidizen yet, definitely download the app this weekend during naptime! 🙂
Want to start out with $5 for free? You saw above in the outfit details just how far $5 could go on Kidizen! Click here to start out with $5! 🙂 Enjoy!!