Thank you for your interest in collaborating with Just Bee! 


I can offer you authentic promotion from a genuine source. I have personally found many products I now own and enjoy as a result of seeing them featured on a blog. I’d love to offer you additional exposure in a way that authentically draws customers in. Just Bee is a quickly growing blog. I look forward to helping YOU grow as this online space continues to reach new audiences!

I have loved the opportunities I’ve had to work with small businesses as well as larger brands. Such collaborations include: DockATot, Lorena Canals Rugs, ThredUp, LILLEbaby, Jord Wood Watches, Brass Clothing, Minted, and Blue Apron.

My media kit is available upon request. If you’re interested in working with me, e-mail me at and we’ll see if we’re a good fit!


I’m honored you’re here. Interested in dreaming something up together?

Here are some of the ways we can collaborate:

  • Group giveaways
  • Webinar co-hosting
  • Instagram hashtag/take-over
  • Pinterest group board

Just Bee is a lifestyle blog and I usually write posts on one of the following topics: marriage, homemaking, travel, blogging, faith, and motherhood. If you think we’d be a good fit, email me at and we’ll take it from there!

 * Note: I am happy to promote blogs/brands that truly fit with the aesthetic and personality of this blog; I am rather selective about the types of products/businesses I promote in this space. Feel free to send any questions, comments, or inquiries my way. I look forward to connecting with you.