Hi, I’m Hannah!
Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here.
I help mamas become more present as they run a peaceful and productive home!
And this blog, Just Bee, is where women are encouraged to be intentional and joyful in their homes and motherhood journeys.
Here, you’ll find posts on everything from housecleaning routines and meal planning, to nurturing your marriage and learning alongside me how to do life with a little one. Some posts are deeper reflections on topics like miscarriage or trusting God, and other posts offer fun tips and checklists! No matter what you’re looking for, Just Bee is a place where you can be encouraged and grow. Join me in authentically – yet joyfully – journeying through all that life gives us!
A little more about me:
I’m a wife and mama living in Minnesota with my husband Bjorn and our children, Sophie, Soren, and Svea. I’m a former elementary teacher and now I have the privilege of staying at home with and homeschooling our children. Just Bee officially launched in 2014 when I started taking blogging seriously, and I haven’t looked back since! Blogging and YouTube are my favorite creative outlets. They combine my favorite things in life: writing, photography, and connecting with/encouraging others.

Together, Bjorn and I love to learn new things, peruse aisles at Barnes & Noble, travel the world, have movie nights, goof off together, and cheer each other on in our various endeavors. We embarked on a whole new adventure entirely when we welcomed our sweet daughter Solveig (Sophie) into the world in October 2017! Our precious son Soren joined our family in November 2019, darling little Svea arrived in March 2023 – and we’ve been loving the adventure of parenthood!

I’m an extroverted introvert. I love my to-do lists, my acoustic music playlist, and my chai tea lattes. 🙂 In my photography, I love to capture light and life – whether it’s friends and family or the country sunsets around here during golden hour. We live in two different locations throughout each year for my husband’s job. I’ve had to become very intentional about effective systems – otherwise our busy, mobile life with young children would be complete chaos. I’ve found that being intentional about both my homemaking AND my perspective has made all the difference in my journey as a mama and I want that peace for you, too! (That’s why I created my online course, The Present Mama Playbook!)
My husband’s nickname for me is “Bee” – hence the name of this blog!
My husband Bjorn and I were those good friends in college who became best friends, fell in love, and ended up married. We both always wanted to marry our best friend so we love the way our relationship began. Bjorn and I were married on a cold, sunny day in March 2014, during our first year of teaching. We started our married life together in his hometown. Bjorn loves being busy with meaningful work and working hard. I’m daily grateful for the gift God gave me in my husband and I see it as my (joyful) job to be his greatest cheerleader and support.
Thank you for stopping by Just Bee – I hope you’ll enjoy the uplifting and helpful posts here. Grab a cup of tea and get caught up!

Where you can find me:
You can join the Just Bee community by subscribing to my email list, or on social media by following along on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, or YouTube!
Have any questions or comments for me? You can get in touch with me at justbeeblog[at]gmail.com.