4 (Free!) Inspirational Desktop Backgrounds

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Happy Friday, everyone!!

Need a fresh dose of encouragement as you head into your weekend? I always do! Because hey – Mondays aren’t the only days we need new, meaningful inspiration!

I shared 2 desktop backgrounds with you back in October, and I’m excited to bring you 4(!) new options today! I’ve been really touched to hear about those of you who have used these backgrounds on your laptops, your computers at work, or your iPads… I’m thrilled that you found inspiration in the quotes from last October.

I always love Elisabeth Elliot quotes, although the one about learning to sail my ship will probably become my new background on my personal laptop for a while!

Check out these 4 new desktop backgrounds — which is your favorite? Several of the photos were taken here in Minnesota, and one is from France šŸ™‚

Whichever ones you like, they can all be yours ā€“ for free! Just click on the photo and download it or drag it to your desktop ā€“ whatever you want!

^^ This above photo was taken in a field in the middle of nowhere in France last summer! šŸ™‚ 

RELATED READING: My Favorite Rural + Nature Shots From Our Time In France

Have an inspiring weekend!