2 (Free!) Inspirational Computer Desktop Backgrounds
Happy Monday, friends!!
It seems to be this universally understood truth that we all need a little bit of extra inspiration on Mondays, am I right?? Not to mention a little bit of extra grace, and extra coffee.
I wanted to help you start your week off right with a fresh dose of joy!
Whether your week looks like a cubicle full of deadlines, a classroom full of kiddos, a living room full of precious babies and stacks of laundry, or a time of relaxation or fear or of hope… this is for you, friend.
I recently created 2 desktop backgrounds (using photos I took here in rural Minnesota) that serve as a reminder for me to really choose joy – to choose gratitude in the little things and the big, to be intentional about praising this God we serve.
I’m currently running the sunset/trees option on my computer now and I’m loving the fresh inspiration that this Ann Voskamp quote is bringing me.
Which option do you like? Either way, they’re both yours – for free! Just click on the photo and download it or drag it to your desktop – whatever you want!
Have a blessed, joy-filled week.